IT Asset Disposal and GDPR Compliance

IT Asset Disposal and GDPR Compliance

Since May 2018 any business which controls or processes the private information of EU citizens must do so in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The GDPR legislation was passed in response to the pace of technological change in recent...

Capturing Maximum Value in your Used IT Equipment

Every piece of IT equipment has a lifespan, whether that is because it is no longer of use to your business, or because it no longer functions as it should. However, just because an IT asset has reached its end of life, that is not to say it doesn’t still hold...

The Biggest Data Breaches in the UK

Data breaches can have devastating results, not just for those whose personal data has been compromised but also for the party at fault. In recent years, there has been an increase in regulation that seeks to minimise data breaches with new guidelines and new...
Data Destruction Standards in the UK

Data Destruction Standards in the UK

Data is one of the most valuable assets your business possesses. It is a precious commodity, containing information relating to your business, your clients, your customers and your employees.The use of data is also heavily regulated, with legislation such as the GDPR...
IT Asset Disposal Procedure Checklist

IT Asset Disposal Procedure Checklist

Whether you’re upgrading your devices to newer models, or planning decommissioning your data centre for migration, you’ll need to act according to your company’s IT asset disposal procedures. While all businesses should have an established process in...