Are Your Ageing IT Assets a Data Security Threat?

There comes a point in the life of every business when the time comes to upgrade your IT infrastructure. The pace of technological change moves so quickly that IT assets which were once cutting edge soon become dated. Upgrading your IT infrastructure can add huge...

Managing a Secure IT Asset Disposition Program

You might presume that disposing of your redundant IT equipment is as simple as wiping sensitive data and removing it from your business premises, be that through resale or disposal. In reality, however, there is much more to managing a secure IT asset disposition...

4 Reasons You Should Outsource ITAD

It’s important for every business to have a plan for their IT Asset Disposition process. While many businesses believe they can deal with ITAD in-house, there are a number of different reasons for outsourcing these services. Despite common misconceptions that keeping...

The Benefits of Secure IT Asset Disposal

Technology is like oxygen in the business world, no company can survive without it. Furthermore, with the average speed of computers doubling every year, updates to the technology we build our businesses upon are increasingly common. There is also the growing problem...