by tier1 | Jul 2, 2018 | IT Security, News
Cloud data storage is growing ever more popular, and as it grows so do concerns over cloud data security. There is no denying the convenience of storing data in the cloud: it can be accessed from anywhere, and we are still able to access data in the event of computers...
by tier1 | Jun 18, 2018 | IT Security, News
Deleted data may be more accessible than you think. Unfortunately, simply dragging a file into the trash folder is not enough to completely erase it from a device, and it would be relatively easy for someone to recover it, which could put your business at risk of a...
by tier1 | Jun 11, 2018 | IT Security, News
With the recent implementation of the GDPR, the need to prevent a data breach is of the utmost importance, for reputational as well as financial reasons. It is not simply during the time that it is in use that IT equipment can open the potential for a data breach. In...
by tier1 | Jun 5, 2018 | IT Security, News
Data security is a practice that companies both large and small tend to take very seriously in 2018. If companies had neglected data security in the past, the ongoing preparations for the implementation of the GDPR has made all business leaders and owners recognize...
by tier1 | Jun 4, 2018 | IT Security, News
As your business’ data needs change, so will your requirements for IT equipment. This means that you will need to carefully consider the ways in which you might dispose of your redundant devices and equipment. Not only is it important that you give your ITAD process...