by tier1 | Jan 3, 2020 | News, Uncategorised
Every piece of IT equipment has a lifespan, whether that is because it is no longer of use to your business, or because it no longer functions as it should. However, just because an IT asset has reached its end of life, that is not to say it doesn’t still hold...
by tier1 | Jul 24, 2019 | Uncategorised
Business technology is a wheel that never stops spinning. Each year the average speed of the computers available to buy increases, while data storage capabilities double on average. This results in a consistently high turnover of technology, as businesses strive to...
by tier1 | Apr 1, 2019 | News, Uncategorised
‘Big data’ is a concept that refers to the large volumes of data at the disposal of modern business. In its typical usage, it is not necessarily the volume of data that makes big data such a valuable asset, but the way it is used. Big data can be mined for...
by tier1 | Jan 4, 2019 | IT Security, Uncategorised
If you run your own business, or if you’re the person responsible for managing the data security of a company, then you may be familiar with IT asset disposal. However, few people understand precisely what is involved in the practice of disposing of IT assets....
by tier1 | Apr 16, 2018 | IT Security, News, Uncategorised
When the time comes to upgrade your computer hardware, or to relocate to new business premises, you are likely to be left with a number of unwanted computer assets. While the temptation may be to store these in a dark room somewhere, or to sell them quickly en masse,...
by tier1 | Mar 20, 2018 | Uncategorised
Whether you are upgrading your IT equipment or downsizing the amount of equipment you use in favour of the cloud, selling your unwanted IT assets is a great way to mitigate the cost of upgrading. However, in order to ensure the security of your business data, it is...